Unleash Your Light with Laura Lee

Waking Up To Extraordinary

Show Notes:

When was the last time you found yourself at the crossroads of a death and rebirth experience?

It’s likely that you are going through one even now…in the midst of challenges, trials, and pain of all varying degrees, our invitation is simply to surrender, let go, and trust that the process will bring about a revelation for our spirit, unleashing a new level of your divine self.

In this week’s episode, I share my own personal and recent story of how I was cracked open (both literally, and spiritually), only to discover that this event would pave the way toward healing and a spilling over of sacred truth and transformation in my life.

I share with you how, in the midst of extremely vulnerable and painful circumstances, there can also be an opportunity to heal, to reimagine and receive divine messages there to support your healing and next layer of growth.

I feel called to share these messages with you too, believing that they are meant to be shared in community. Our soul’s journey away from what is falling apart and toward rebirth and newness is not one that is meant to go at alone; our souls heal and are revealed in connection.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to allow yourself to heal, by means of lovingly noticing your raw emotions, rather than bypassing them
  • Ways to pay attention to the life around you, and tools for articulating your gaze as you search for divine messages
  • Why it’s important to let your heart lead, not your mind, and embrace the unknown
  • How to listen, learn, and feel, even if this involves blocking everything else out that is cluttering your life, so that you can hear your own voice and trust what your heart and body are asking for
  • The importance of meeting yourself with fierce protector love, for your inner child, and how to protect what’s most important for you at this time

If you’re going through a death and rebirth cycle, I also offer some illuminating questions in the episode, so that you can receive any divine messages that may be trying to make their way to you now. Feel free to meditate on these questions, journal your thoughts, and engage in whatever other means you prefer for creating safe dialogue with your innermost self.


-What feels like it’s ready to die in my life? An old identity, an old habit, a relationship? 


-What is showing me or telling me, “this is ready to die”? 


-In what way am I delaying or resisting this death? 


-How is holding on to this thing costing me in my life? 


-Is there something in my life that still has life left in it, and it’s showing me it needs to be nurtured, to be able to grow to its full potential? 


-Is there a part of me that is being called to wake up? What is that part of me? 


-Are there signs or impacts that have a chord in my life that I sense have an important message for me right now? What is that message? 


-Am I willing to surrender what was in order to receive what wants to be? 


-Where am I being asked to trust more? 


-Am I willing to surrender control, and trust that all will be revealed in divine timing? 


-Is there support I’m being called to reach out and ask for in my death and rebirth cycle? Will I ask for that support? 


-What am I willing to remember about this death and rebirth cycle in my life?

Resources & Links Mentioned In The Show:

💖 Connect with Laura:

Grab your FREE Sacred Morning Practice: https://laura-lee.mykajabi.com/i-am

Follow me on IG for inspiration and personal updates:

Connect on my website: https://www.lauraleelife.com

End Quote:You didn’t come here to walk on a journey created for you, you came here to walk on a path you choose.

Connect With Me Here

